Monday, April 23, 2012

Hey, at least it's free

As I write this, I am the most broke I have ever been. I’ve always heard that being broke leads people to do crazy things… Like start a blog and delude their ego into thinking that people will actually care about anything they have to say. I don’t mean to say that people who write blogs are conceited, just that their lives are far more interesting than mine. But again, the broke-etude of my situation has led me to believe that I finally have something interesting to say.

If I’m going to keep up the illusion that some people will actually find this interesting, I should fill you (whoever you are) in. I am a 21-year old college student. I currently go to community college but will be transferring to a university in the fall. Until then, I live in an apartment run by a sadistic control freak, presumably with a constant need to get laid. Rent is due by the 5th every month, and yes, I have delightfully found that there is a late fee if it’s not paid by then. For some unexplainable reason, I thought it would be a good idea to get satellite TV when I first moved in about a year and a half ago, but am less concerned about the contract I can’t get out of and more concerned about unwittingly selling my own soul to them. Other than that, I have the “regular” bills that come with being an adult (Peter Pan sure had it right, eh?) My boyfriend, Brandon, lives with me and helps considerably with the bills.

I’ve been in this situation for a few months now, and needless to say, it pretty much sucks. I also know that I am not alone. As desperate and as terrified as I feel most days, pretty much everyone I know is going through it too. We are our own culture of people who live below the poverty line. Hopefully venting will make me feel better. And hey, if I’m being optimistic, maybe I’ll catch a reader or two and we’ll get through this together. So for those of you who can mathematically divide a Banquet frozen meal into a full day’s feast, I say “Bravo!” For those of you who have ever donated blood for an iron test and a free cookie, I say “Carry on!” For those of you who live life on the edge (of bankruptcy), nothing heals an empty bank account like company, right? Right?

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